Seanbaby’s Super Friends Page Clearly




Seanbaby’s Super Friends Page

Clearly god’s best work… go read this, laugh till you die.

“And are fish really worth talking to?
Our genius scientists taught that gorilla sign language, and do you know what we learned? “Banana is pretty! Banana make gorilla happy!”
I’m going to say what we already know: we’re not going to learn shit from animals. I guess we could teach a cat to talk to find out what assholes taste like without having to go to prison.
Maybe dogs could let us know if it’s a good idea to make food that turns into “gravy” when you add water, but what would anyone learn from fish? “Sunken toy castle is adventure! Big fish equal danger!” Fish don’t know anything. It was probably a damn fish that talked Aquaman into getting that belt buckle. Unless he’s been shopping with truck drivers.”