just checking in – hiya!




just checking in – hiya!

Things are going OK… in fact things are looking up all over.

  • A check with my friend confirmed that he will be in town for my test and
    available to be my corner man if my Sensei allows it
  • I am feeling physically capable – my body is doing nice things and I like
  • I am going to unveil a project in the near future that will involve me
    doing considerably more bondage in a professional capacity, this is very
    good for me
  • We went out the other night to Hellfire
    and had a good evening, I even did some suspension work with Flagg’s
    help on Tatsumi
    that went well in a very odd way
  • I am pleased with how a recent web design of mine came out

So, all things considered – this is good. As for my test, I am in the
coasting phase right now – I will be keeping up a light workout schedule this
week, but I will not be risking injury.
