give me a second – really, I needed one




give me a second – really, I needed one

Well, it’s all done. I chose Kimiko
as my coach/second/partner in my upcoming black belt test. Unfortunately my
friend was not eligible because he is not a current member of the school. I
completely understand my Sensei’s position on this. She mentioned a little about
it over on the Girl2
news page

I am content and happy with the choice. There are others I might have picked
– some with more experience and some who have been through the test. I don’t
know… it just feels right to have her do it. She has been with me on
this every step of the way, it only seems right she can be there for me when we
finish it. Tatsumi
has been incredibly supportive as well and I am looking forward to having her
there for the promotion.

That’s right. My promotion. Dammit, I will not fail this.

Other things go well. The business issue with Client X are still a little
shaky – but my team is really coming together behind our other projects and I
think we will be OK. It is incredibly gratifying to me to realize that not only
do we have the ability (almost) to support ourselves but that the whole team
seems to be eager to work on this stuff. Universal support is a great thing.

Sleep for now… enjoy!

p.s. Web/Lint
is online and running!