random dotcom thoughts – show me the money!




random dotcom thoughts – show me the money!

How to fail at business without really trying
is an amusing look into the life of a startup ‘dotcom’ firm. It’s over at kuro5hin.org
and that almost always means it’s more interesting than most of the crap on the
net. This guy makes some points that resonated with me … and I can certainly
sympathize. On the other hand – well, no offense but a look at the portfolio
of the company
in question leads me to see one of the reasons the Internet bust happened. The
work simply wasn’t that good. Anyway, read the note and the comments.

This Email thread cc’ed to all Modem Media employees
is a fairly normal piece of wierdness int he Internet business world. What I
find particularly amusing is that the uproar seems to be about whether or not
the company did a bad thing seelling the domain vivid.com
to Vivid Video, an adult production company. This reached such a peak that the
management felt compelled to justify themselves by giving the money away.

"As a policy, Modem Media refuses to do work for
any adult entertainment sites on the Internet and have turned down a
number of business opportunities in the past and will continue to do so
in the future. We are donating 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the
domain name to several non-profit organizations, which include the
George Washington Carver Foundation of Norwalk, Connecticut, the
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the United Negro College Fund."