let’s do this – the easy way




let’s do this – the easy way

A list of some of the things I did/tried/handled recently.

  • Went to my dojo. I taught two classes and took mine. I felt good during
    the class and immediately felt sore and crushingly tired right after. So
    much so that I couldn’t get down to the gym. Perhaps it is too early?
  • Worked with Kimiko on a new design for her site. You can see the new one here
    for now, and the old one here
    for a few hours. Then the new one will be here
    and the old one won’t be anywhere at all.
  • Helped Sierra
    with the code for This
    , the LARP
    sponsors. It is running this weekend if you want to come meet us all and
  • Speaking of the dotPublishing
    site… Tatsumi
    has been kicking ass on it.
  • I have been surfing PicPage
    entirely too much. The reasons should be obvious.
  • Speaking of PicPage, here is a rather bitter example.
  • There is a copy of a great speech
    given by Craig Mundie, a bigwig at Microsoft.
    This backs up a story/press
    with some of the same sentiments. Personally, I think MS is
    taking the right approach, making source available to those clients who need
    it and protecting their intellectual property otherwise. Of course, this is
    not the way that some seriously
    people over at GNU
    would like
    it handled. They push something called the GPL.. a viral license that
    deliberatly seeks to contaminate the ownership of any software it comes in
    contact with. Of course, the main
    over at the GNU are pretty against
    the idea of owning ones ideas.

Ah well. I have to go into Client X today. I don’t mind the work but it sure
isn’t paying the bills. If anyone reading this knows of anyone who needs design
or programming, let us know.
