another killer day – this worked out so well




another killer day – this worked out so well

First I’ll take a second and tell Tatsumi
how cool it is that she will go to her family when they need here there. I told
her this last night but she was mostly asleep. So if your reading this before
we talk in the morning I think it was pretty great that you did it.

Things seem to be picking up over at Girl2,
the site (all our sites, in fact) are living on the Win2K
server now and it is slamming along – spinning like a top. Major thanks to the
folks at Rackspace
for all their incredible service. They do a great job for us and I recommend
them whole heartily.

For those who are wondering about the old server, I’ll tell you why we switched…
ASP.NET. The environment
is amazing, and light years behind what is available on the Linux
side. I also find it much more maintainable. I’m no rube when it comes to Linux/Unix
boxen – I have been running them for more than a decade and I simply know it
takes less effort to keep an up to date, secure Win2K box for me.

That being said. I will say this for RedHat/Linux
when you set it up and leave it alone it is incredibly stable.
In fact, our Linux current stats are….

5:24am up 232 days, 5:13, 17 users, load average: 1.15, 1.17, 1.07
                   total  used   free shared buffers cached
              Mem: 127912 123488 4424 45012  52388   30816
-/+ buffers/cache: 40284  87628
             Swap: 136512 26216  110296
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda5  19G  8.0G 9.7G  45%  /
/dev/hda1  23M  2.4M 19M   11%  /boot

Pretty damn good.

The LARP went
incredibly well, the system is coming along well and many of our chances are
paying off. Hopefully the turn out will be better next time as we lost money
on this one. That’s OK though – it isn’t expected to be profitable at this stage
yet. Kimiko did a great job getting tortured ;-]

I am off to sleep… I don’t feel well. Sore throat and some sniffles. It might
be a cold/flu from the recent weather
wierdness or it could just be alergies and some muscle strain. My left shoulder
is pretty stiff/sore as well.
