The Filthy Critic: Josie and




The Filthy Critic: Josie and the Pussycats

“..But in Hollywood, where executives are empty shells waiting for MTV-programmed teenagers to tell them what to do, Josie is a commodity. The right hipsters told the imagination-free grassfuckers in charge that stupid girls with guitars were hot, and Josie and the Pussycats was dug out of the trash heap. Only after Hollywood decided to make this movie did Elfont and Kaplan bother coming up with a story. And they did the bare minimum, the cinematic equivalent of responding to a homework assignment to write a five page book report by delivering one that is exactly five pages long thanks to a large font and the liberal use of “very” and “really.” Perhaps I am wrong, perhaps this movie is the culmination of Elfont’s and Kaplan’s lifelong dreams, but I hope not. I would like to think they aren’t retarded, lonely shut-ins…”