I want my mummy – you know I had to say it




I want my mummy – you know I had to say it

The Mummy was a
good movie. Hell, it was a great movie. I like just about everything about it
and the DVD version
has a bunch of cool stuff. That all being said, I like the sequel too. It’s just
plain a fun movie to see. Sure, the plot is improbable and you need a serious
dose of tongue in your cheek – but it is worth it. I am not the only one who liked

They aren’t sure where to go here, but that’s because no one is completely
sure why the first one worked so well. Generally it is all good, and all funny.
The women [1][2][3][4]
are a great pair and they get to do some cool stuff in the fight
together. It all works well for me ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, I am off to sleep. More to say tomorrow… but for now, sleep!