how much – does respect actually cost anyway?




how much – does respect actually cost anyway?

Deep inside, I am a capitalist. I understand the fundamental fact of life…

You are worth what you can make.

I am OK with that most of the time. I know that people cannot be loyal
without security. I
also know that this is the cause of the death of many relationships. I even
understand that this is more true in ownership/authority situations than most

So I understand it. If you cannot provide, you cannot lead. If you cannot
lead, you cannot expect obedience. 

*sigh* I am not sure why I am writing this here. I am pretty much of the
opinion you people are tired to death of hearing me whine and bitch about money.
So am I. This is, however, supposed to be a look at my thoughts – and not just
the cool and funny ones.

Ah well. Back to work.