OpinionJournal – Featured Article: The




OpinionJournal – Featured Article: The Envy of Europe

“…Twenty years ago an affable rancher named Ronald Reagan showed up in Washington to hoots of derision from American and European intelligentsia: “He’s stupid, he’s arrogant, he’s going to bring on Armageddon.” Two decades and a Cold War victory later, another affable rancher showed up in Washington to much the same cries..”

“…Just 100-odd days into a new Presidency, America has become such a mean-spirited and menacing country that we are asked to forgive the rest of the world as it recoils in horror–or so some pundits and Democratic Congressmen tell us. As New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, who is funny these days only in unintended ways, sums up: “Doesn’t W. realize that EVERYBODY in the world HATES us?” So when the U.S. gets booted off the U.N. Human Rights Commission, and Sudan, where chattel slavery is practiced, gets accepted, it’s supposed to be an unsurprising humiliation for us and not the U.N…”