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in Arts & Entertainment | Be afraid, be very afraid …

An old review of Dark Angel. They don;t liek it – but that’s just ’cause they are old and bitchy.

“…And now, in Cameron’s new Fox sci-fi action series “Dark Angel,” the heroine isn’t a grown-up woman at all, but a preternaturally ripe ‘n’ sexy teenage girl. In the two-hour series pilot (airing 9 p.m. Tuesday), which Cameron created and wrote with Charles Eglee (“Murder One”), director David Nutter’s camera repeatedly takes a lazy, lingering crawl up the Lara Croft curves of the show’s 19-year-old star, Jessica Alba. If I had a nickel for every time Alba’s big, knowing, kinderwhore eyes and pillowy Angelina Jolie lips filled the screen, I could buy a round of Bazooka for the house…”