off to sleep – cough, wheeze




off to sleep – cough, wheeze

Ok… a few things here, so I will just touch base on them.

My rant of a few days ago had some interesting ripples in my life – not the
least of which was finding out that I am more understood than I believed I was.
I am still not sure how much of the darker parts of me are or can be accepted –
but I do know it isn’t as hopeless as it seemed… and that those around me
fervently wish to find a way in every bit as much as I want them to be there.

Maybe I can start rebuilding some of the more interesting parts of myself.

Actually, that is an untrue analogy… maybe I can start taking down some of
the blocks that kept me from being … inappropriate for a long time… now that
those things may be appropriate ๐Ÿ™‚

Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to post after all.

I had a chance to play some more with my digital actress. Here are the latest
test renders. There is nudity… [1][2][3].
Now she just needs some different hair. Fortunately, the hair problem is easily
solved with this
and this.
I love this company!

Night! The fever calls…