way cool – stuff




way cool – stuff

Well, it’s been a long day. I got to see Tatsumi
for a little today and that is always a good thing. Kimiko
went and covered her and my responsibilities at the dojo and I went and sat on
the sidelines for my class. I am still sick like a dog. Getting better but my
strength and clarity of thought comes and goes with the fever.

I got an incredibly cool letter in response to my blog – and one from an
unexpected reader. Basically it came down to "be yourself, it’s the only
real answer" … but it was good to hear it from this person, all the more
so because I consider him a friend by an extremely personal definition of friend
I am sure.

Ah well. off to sleep. Beat my head against various business issues as my
diminished brain capacity would let me and surfed the web without really seeing
much. I did find this
however, and it amused me pretty well.
