*sigh* – so much to say, so little time




*sigh* – so much to say, so little time

But I want it to be right – and it might even be funny – so I will delay it
till I have time to write. Suffice to say it involves pain (mine) and blood.

In any case. I feel mostly OK. Client X will be getting a call in the morning
but I don’t know if the scheduling will work out for tomorrow. I taught at the
dojo like normal and was fully functional for my class. 

We did go to the gym, we swam some but my sinuses were so messed up I couldn’t
go down more than a foot or so.

In other news, I made an great breakthrough in my ASP.NET
understanding. I can now display, edit and add database records in a way that I
am happy with – with what is really very little code in it’s own way. Anyway –
this is large and crucial step forward to moving my own weblog onto my own code.
I think it will be a few days till I am keeping my own weblog on my own code.

I cannot tell you how big a breakthrough this is for me ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh, in other news, a relative of mine was going to buy me new gi (karate
uniform) pants as a black belt test present. But the ones I ordered are too
small so it will be weeks till I get the others. They asked if I wanted anything
else so I bought my hair. Take a look at the renders…. [1][2][3]

Anyway – sleep now. More tomorrow.