long day – some cool stuff




long day – some cool stuff

Well, it was a long day. hell, a long weekend. I am not sure why – I just didn’t
get as much done as I wanted too. But that is par for the course.

Events of note for the weekend:

  • I saw The Sixth
    on DVD and it wasn’t a bad movie. A pretty generic action flick.
  • I saw Pearl
    on the big screen and liked it.
  • I installed Grey
    on one of our sites, and it is a pretty rocking script. It doesn’t
    suit all our needs and it never will – but it saved me having to finish
    coding our internally developed system in a day and a half. It is free, and
    pearl… good stuff. Noah
    (the author) is a good guy with a great eye for design. Mostly, we are
    sticking to Blogger,
    also not perfect but easy.
  • I found a guy
    who does simply stunning digital art. Mostly 3D renders with some way cool
    post production. But damn is
    he good
  • I even got to do a little BDSM. Stunning huh? I played with my single
    for the first time in a long time and it felt really
    good. In
    , no less!

For a little while I was unsure how much of my skill would be available to me
so despite the possible loss of ‘face’ I started out with my target wearing Tatsumi’s
denim jacket. It turns out I remembered quite a bit so we quickly discarded the
jacket but I think it was the right thing to do. Both Kimiko
and Tatsumi were kind enough to play target for me and I had a great time – much
better than I have in a long time.

Ok… must sleep. Night all!