wow – cool!




wow – cool!

Been busy. Some cool things happening business wise, we have a proposal
submitted to Client X so that is a good thing. It could mean some money in the
near future.

Of particular note is how well the 3D work is coming
. I think I will be able to put a texture pack up for sale in the next
few days that might bring in some pocket change. Always a good thing.

Anyway, the big news is I got
! OK… no big deal but one of my mailing lists posts to a technical
list is quoted on a technical website (whew). You’ll recognize the spelling
errors ๐Ÿ™‚

I feel so special!

Dojo tonight – teaching and then my own class. Then back to the grindstone.
Spending the night with Tatsumi
tomorrow (finally! some relaxation time I hope!) and Wed we have a meeting about
that First Amendment stuff at Flagg’s.

More later.