he’s dead – am I supposed to feel better?




It’s no secret I think capitol punishment is stupid as hell. The legal system we have is just way too screwed up to be killing people and the case of  Timothy McVeigh proves it. The idiot was guilty, he did it. He killed all those people. There was never any real dispute of that.

Yet, in the face of the most clear cut and easily proven case in all history SOMEONE IN THE  FBI STILL FELT COMPELLED TO SCREW WITH THE EVIDENCE. Think about that. The most important case in years, all the evidence in the world and a confession and some in the FBI still cheated. Then, they felt compelled to rush him away to be killed hoping we wouldn’t notice the lies and corruption.

Who cares you say? We know he did it. So what if the FBI and the judiciary lied, withheld evidence and destroyed his right to a fair trial. He’s guilty.


The system has to function correctly or it isn’t justice anymore – it is the enforcement arm for the government or, worse, the idiocy of the mob who seems to exert more and more influence over the courts from the “jury of public opinion”.

The did just what he wanted, the FBI made Timothy McVeigh a martyr to his cause. In the process they have shown us exactly how deep the corruption runs in what should be the most reputable law enforcement agency in the world. 

He won, of course. Because while the FBI betrayed it’s principles and it’s charter… betrayed justice itself in a sense Timothy McVeigh stayed true to his own twisted principals. They blinked, not him. Timothy was a horrible person with no regard for human life, and he wasn’t the brightest shell in the magazine if you know what I mean… but that does not excuse the abuse of the system they perpetrated in their rush to fry him as part of a cover up.

Cover up? You betcha. It looks like the whole investigation was  more tainted and screwed up than we had a clue about – with informants and missed leads, not to mention all the information on these radical groups that dies with Timothy to cover some pencil pushers ass.

His last words were a poem titled “Invictus”. I have put hit hear not in any sort of tribute… but because for whatever else you can say about that guy he was true to his beliefs. Besides, I like the poem and I never heard of it before.

by William Ernest Henley; 1849-1903

Out of the night that covers me, 
Black as the Pit from pole to pole, 
I thank whatever gods may be 
For my unconquerable soul. 

In the fell clutch of circumstance 
I have not winced nor cried aloud. 
Under the bludgeonings of chance 
My head is bloody, but unbowed. 

Beyond this place of wrath and tears 
Looms but the horror of the shade, 
And yet the menace of the years 
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid. 

It matters not how strait the gate, 
How charged with punishments the scroll, 
I am the master of my fate; 
I am the captain of my soul.
