some fast stuff – before I slip into a coma




I went to the Statue of Liberty today. Pretty cool stuff. I went with my Mom and the girls. I did get sunburned though – I don’t mind telling you that sucks.

Spent some time at Flagg’s tonight as well… talked about a bunch of stuff. It was a good night with good folks.

My ThinkGeek t-shirts came in this morning. They ROCK! The quality is excellent and they are funny as hell. Thanks again, you know who you are.

Now onto the bigger concepts. God, my brain is running a mile a minute. Sometime last night a dam opened up and one of my major products/projects just fell into place. I know the plot, I know how I want it to look – the characters are falling into place neatly as well. Very slick, very pretty, very anime.

And something interesting is happening. I have been killing myself on the 3D stuff – because I need to bootstrap the project. I need to get the initial renders done, and I need to get the characters prototyped. I also need to get it demo’d so we can get the money. All well and good so far.

However, when I look ahead in the project I don’t see myself doing the technical work! This is a big change for me. This time I see myself working with concepts, stories and artists. i have so much to bring to life – the scope is so vast that I cannot do it on my own at all – and I am thrilled by this!

I will be happy to be the idea guy/producer/visionary – just like my biz partners kep telling me to be.

Praise be ๐Ÿ™‚