hello – I have not been killed




hello – I have not been killed

It’s been crazy over here. Many irons in the fire, but I have not forgotten
you dear reader.

I have been working, striving to create and I have done so. Behold! Dream
! A adult pay site with class and some incredible photography – not to
mention all the cool fantasies the minds over here can come up with. I might
even write one or  two of them myself. Well worth the $6.95 a month!

Besides, the design kicks ass!

In addition, I have been deeply – deeply into my 3D learning curve. In the
next day or so I will be putting up more renders. My new stuff makes my older
look pale and sickly, but I consider it a homage to my learning
curve. In fact, over the next week I will be bringing two new dedicated 3D sites
online that will simply blow your mind.

Get ready for it ๐Ÿ™‚

Ok… must sleep now. Shouz to all my peepz in their digital cribz!