where we stand – hey all!




where we stand – hey all!

Sheesh. It feels like Saturday to me. I am not at all sure why but there ya
go. The rest of this week is gonna be a pain in the ass.

  • Thursday – dojo night. An hour early so I will be in there from 5:00pm
    till around 8:30. There is no class on Friday so we will have the ‘novice’
    adults in with us. That usually means an inter class competition. Let me tell
    you – they have some big guys in that class. It’s never easy and they do
    pretty well.
  • Friday night I am going with about 50 others from the school to the

    UFC event
    at the Meadowlands in NJ. It certainly should be a lot of fun
    and will be a pleasant way to kill an evening.
  • Saturday, it’s back to the dojo at 10:00am (groan!) to teach the local
    cops how to take folks down without beating the hell out of
    them. Well worth doing.

In other news, a very kind person donated the CyberStudio from
Daz and the texture
submaps. This was a very sweat thing and has made the next step in my projects
much easier.

On another topic…

While I am here, let me tell you about something amusing. It seems that the
art world is losing it’s hair over some chick with

Down’s Syndrome
. Her name is Judith Scott and she

compulsively wraps
stuff – any stuff – in just about anything you throw into
her reach.

Somehow, this is art. If anyone else did it it would be disturbing, stupid or
garbage. If your a snob however who dreams of having your very own Down’s
Syndrome chick at your next party then you just can be happy enough about it.

A lot of

is happening over are

about it all.

A better world for you and me…

I mean it. How much cooler would high school have been if the girls had
headed the advice at
Technical Virgin?
I know, it’s a joke but I think it’s pretty hot really ๐Ÿ™‚

Let’s face it, a girl that will let you bang her was OK, but it wasn’t what I
really wanted. Here we are talking about girls telling other girls to go out and
be lesbians or save their virginity by having good hard anal sex. And the oral
… ah, the oral.

Would I trade vaginal sex for good, enthusiastic anal? You betcha, in a

Go read, dream, and enjoy.