we’re gonna try something different – very different




we’re gonna try something different – very different

The last three hours have been very interesting.

For the project were hoping to launch in the next few days I have been
writing quite a bit of code. while doing some reading it became clear that most
of the code that I was working on would soon be obsolete if I didn’t begin
working with the next version of the software. 

Rather than have to redo my work in the next few weeks I decided to do the
upgrade now rather than wait.  We don’t actually have a whole lot of free
time at the moment but we also don’t have the time we would need to rewrite my
work over again in a week or two.  So upgrade we did.

Probably at 2:30 AM or so we began the process.  First I had to
uninstall the development
environment, then I
had to upgrade the operating system, then put the development system back in. 

That’s when the fun really started.

As it turns out the new version of ASP.NET doesn’t in fact match 100 percent
with the old syntax.  Quite a bit of the code that we used to run some of
the web sites we’ve run  here was quickly rendered unusable.  This
didn’t actually come as a big surprise, a quick look on the net before I did the
upgrade showed me that this was a probable outcome.  In fact it was because
of this that I decided to do the upgrade now instead of waiting till later when
it would be even more painful. 

After digging around on the net I found all the changes I needed to make and
even though the new code that I was working on this afternoon isn’t working and
I do in fact have the old code running just fine. 

Anyway the really different part of all we’re doing right now is that I’m not
typing this entry.  The Microsoft
Office XP
speech recognition system is doing the work for me.  This is actually
pretty cool, I had tried to use

Dragon Dictate
in the past and it just didn’t really have with talked to do
the job .  As always it seems if you can throw as much money under problem
as Microsoft can you
wind up with something that those with supposed to do. 

Anyway, a lot of fun with
Windows XP.
and Office XP and I suspect that the speech recognition is going to turn out to
be pretty useful for these late night entries .

Besides it can hardly wind up being worse than my typing!

Good night, more information coming tomorrow.