the bored and tired update – kill me, or send me money ๐Ÿ™‚




the bored and tired update – kill me, or send me money ๐Ÿ™‚

…I’m kidding about the kill part…

Still working like a dog on the stuff for Client X, but that’s OK … time is
money I suppose. It is kind of a bummer not to be able to have us all together
for the holiday but
had to work too.

Anyway, I thought I would take a moment and point out a few cool things I

By the way, that reminds me. Check out this quote….

"but then again, American teens are said to be resorting to oral sex
parties where the girls service the boys" –
full thread

Resorting to? Hell, that seems like a first choice to me… and where
the hell was that sort of thing when I was in school?
