let’s play – catch up




let’s play – catch up

A quick entry, just to keep you all up to date. I know your lives wouldn’t be
complete without the details ๐Ÿ™‚

We had a nice evening Saturday with
house-sitting. We got a chance to relax and watch a movie or two A very cool
thing… let me drop into list style so I can hit the high points.

  • Hot tubs rule
  • Moulin
    was a much better movie then I thought it would be. I was going to
    see a
    different movie
    , but I changed my mind and figured it would be better to
    spend the time with the
    . The directing was a little frenetic, but overall I was really
    pleased with the film and found myself caught up in it quite a bit.
  • When we got back, we watched
    on DVD. That was a pretty good flick too. The women are obviously
    amazingly pretty – but the movie itself isn’t too shabby.

In other news… some links of interest.

  • 3D
    Model Forge
    – these guys do some cool 3D sci-fi stuff.
  • An interesting (and bizarre)

    anti-microsoft website
    . There are stories here from all sorts of paranoid
    people (who all seem to be in therapy and on drugs) who claim Microsoft made
    them crazy or whatever. Bring your tin-foil hat! Oh.. and a pretty amusing
    list of

    sexual harassment
    stories ๐Ÿ™‚
  • More anti-ms silliness
  • A odd little

    on Americans and free speech
  • A

    harsh view
    of classical music

Ah well… that’s all for now.