let’s play catch up – this is not going to take long

let’s play catch up – this is not going to take long

Ok…. it has been a  busy few days, so I’ll go to the bullet list to keep you informed. I might have more time over the next few days to write.

  • A good friend of Tatsumi‘s is very ill. She is going to go and see him and I am taking the trip with her. 10 hours out and 10 hours back, add in the time down there and you will see me sometime on Tuesday. Sorry about that to anyone counting on me for stuff, but it has to happen.

  • Speaking of Tatsumi, she got an apartment that is pretty much 5 minutes away from us. This is a great thing.

  •  More information on all of that can be found here on the Girl2 news page.

  • I have been evaluating games that might give us some idea of the state of the art as regards the projects of dotPublishing. I’ll list some of them below. Some have been good, some bad.

  • Unreal Tournament is growing on me. The engine is sweet and the editor is nice. If you’re looking for a fast and furious shooter this is probably a good one. When you add in how cool the community is, it’s is all happy. The preview shots of UnrealII look pretty hot as well. This is teaching me a lot about level design and we will be using it for our demo.

  • WWII Online was a game with so much potential but it it just seems to have lost it’s way. The graphics didn’t look right on my machine and I never could connect to a server. When you add in that most of the features aren’t implemented (in fact, the ‘war’ hasn’t even started) you get a game I took back right away. There are a lot of unhappy users as well. I was hoping this would teach me about massively multi-player tactics, but not a chance.

  • Hitman: Codename 47 is sitting on my desk but it will have to wait. Single player only but it looks like a good thinking game. I’ll let you know more as I play it.  I am hoping it will help us see what’s happening with RP and strategy.

  • Serious Sam looked good, but it wouldn’t work on my hardware.

  • I got some good replies to my question on the topic of what game engine to use. In a related note, it looks like gamedesign.net looks like a cool place to be.

  • It turns out that a lot of other people also think that Richard Stallman, leader of the FSF is a raving lunatic as well.

  • Some more posts about the TES30 incident are available, though they paint a skewed image in my view.

  • I moved Kimiko over to WindowsXP, I think she likes it so far.

That’s about it for now. You can keep track of the latest on Girl2 for a day or two.