iโ€™m back – and way tired




i’m back – and way tired

The trip was a good one, but a lot of long hours at the wheel. I am glad I
went, and I am glad I could be there for those who needed me. We got out to
where we needed to be and visited who we needed to in time… and that is the
most important thing.

I don’t often think about those people who aren’t around me anymore. I think
I have always grown up with the knowledge that people simply disappear from this
place because of the circumstances in my own family proceeding my birth. Or
maybe I know if I start thinking about the losses I will become morose and
withdrawn. But when I do think of them I generally take a moment, atheist that I
am, and say a word or two that might be of use to them or to relate an amusing

If you can, please take a moment to remember those who have been lost to us
all in whatever way you feel is best. In particular, remember those who were
close to you and take a moment to whisper a hello. You never know, maybe you’ll
be heard.

…Hello. Relax now, the hard part is over. Sit back, watch and enjoy
the show. You are all sorely missed…