I am the law! – I knew I’d say that.

I am the law! – I knew I’d say that.

Well, went to Jury duty today. I took a lot of notes and will post all about
it later today. I need to sleep now.

Before I go though, I want to pass on some graphical tidbits 🙂

First off… how cool is

this image
for Halloween?

Anyway, I have been looking into the effects of lighting in Poser and have
caught the whiff of something wonderful. I had

thought about this
a long, long time ago and before I could get around to
testing the effect it seems someone beat me too it. Take a look at some of these
images [1][2][3].
See how they look like statues or physical objects? Anyway, you can get some
more info on how powerful this technique is by looking at

this tutorial
and some of the images on that page. They give everything a
look of … solidity. Not photo realistic as much as just plain real.

So far, the best implementation of these lights is attached to the cutest

baby dragon
you’ve ever seen – being included in the purchase of the little
guy. I am trying to justify the $34.95. I am thinking I can use him on a
website… something cute… something that has a sort of dragon theme
anyway…. maybe


If you go look a the


you’ll be able to see the lights in action – they look amazingly good
and I think they will bring some of my female renders to life in a whole new way
so I am dying to get my hand on the little buggers (the lights I mean). And me
with my birthday gone. Care to take a stab at my chances of convincing my
business partners we need a baby dragon?
