another entry – figured I’d finish a thought or two

another entry – figured I’d finish a thought or two

So I have been up for a while tonight, working and surfing. I felt like I
should take a moment and give you an idea of what’s out there if you can’t/won’t
sleep. I am going to try and avoid the bullet list format this
time – so forgive the rather twisted attempt at stringing all this together.

Some idiots over at the Boston Globe have apparently

popped a gasket
. They just can’t handle the fact that the USA might be
helping anyone – because if we feel good about ourselves then we won’t listen to
them whine about what bad people we are. Their big idea seems to be that because
we like girls in bikini’s we’re no better than the Taliban’s torture of
uncovered women… or something. Some

discussion is on Metafilter

"Taliban rule has dictated that women be fully covered whenever they
enter the public realm, while a recent US television commercial for
”Temptation Island 2” features near naked women. Although we seem to be
winning the war against the Taliban, it is important to gain a better
understanding of the Taliban’s hatred of American culture and how women’s
behavior in our society is a particular locus of this hatred. The irony is
that the images of sleek, bare women in our popular media that offend the
Taliban also represent a major offensive against the health of American women
and girls." –

full text

They have all sorts of great stuff over at

… I never saw these guys before I but I like them.

In a little further reading it turns out that "reasononline" brings

us the news
that after 09.11.01 the people here int he USA seem to suddenly
think it might be a good idea to hang onto the second amendment after all. You
heard me, the gun control lobbyists are running scared and don’t have any idea
what to do. So they have started trying to

twist the numbers
and make people look stupid. Yup, your too stupid
to have a gun.

Speaking of things I want under my bed,  it turns out that if you are in
the military over in the desert you can
a Playmate
. Sheesh… and all I get back are cease and desist letters from

Ah, women… and the desire thereof. Too bad it looks like current culture is
turning out a generation of dweebs. The

Washington Post has all the horrible details

"the Kopi Luwak story" – let’s talk abut coffee and anuses. I’ll just let the
quote speak for itself.

"Unable to digest the coffee beans the Luwak graciously deposits them on
the jungle floor where they are eagerly collected by the locals. " –

full text

And speaking of… nah, I won’t go there. Let’s just say it makes sense to
talk about the FBI at this point. And hell no, I am not going to link to them. I
don’t need that sort of attention. Anyway, they have all

new stuff to spy on you with
, and it seems they think they can sort of ooze
past the need for a wiretap order.

What’s even more horrendous is this…

"At least one antivirus software company, McAfee Corp., contacted the
FBI on Wednesday to ensure its software wouldn’t inadvertently detect the
bureau’s snooping software and alert a criminal suspect." –

full text


/. has a lot to say

While the FBI is on our minds… let’s show you the flyer where they let you
know that anyone questioning a policeman is probably a terrorist. [front][back]

Almost done! Let’s get technical!

The first is this incredibly cool

Flash toy
. It is a very cool demonstration in dynamics. Make sure you hit
"duo" before you are done. From the amazing folks over at

Wireframe Studio

Last but not least, there is a great tool over at
that lets you do all sorts of color transformation and

… including having the RGB values for many commercial available
products/paints/inks and a calculator for color

as well as day/night
