That’s it for now. I need to sleep.

So let me take a few and let you know what’s been happening. It’s been a
really busy time period for us here, and that’s always good and bad.

  • We have been working on coming up to speed on the Client Y project. It’s
    going fairly well I think and I am pretty happy with the plan we have in
    place. That’s 6 months worth of work – and all of it in 3D web based character
    animation, as well as a fairly large chunk of  database programming to
    handle student tracking.
  • Some fantastic progress is happening with concepts for

    ‘s first game release. Soon we will have some concept art to
    put up and I’ll make sure I point you all at it.
  • I have been finishing up the

    project I have worked on the last bunch of weeks for Client X.
    It’s basically been a nightmare all the way through but it has really given me
    a chance to come up to speed on what Director can and can’t handle.
  • On the 3D front, I have been spending a lot of time working with


    . I think I might decide that we want to look into messiah:
    studio before we make a final decision on a render technology. I am starting
    to really appreciate some of the depth we can get from the "standard" 

    materials and tools – it might turn out that hybrid is the best
  • I found

    , an inexpensive pan/tilt/zoom base fro off the shelf USB webcams.
    This is probably a good idea for the

  • We’ll talk a little more in the future about this – but I have decided I
    am a little tired of my life not being as cool as it sounds… or as cool as

    should be
    . Steps will have to be taken 🙂 More later.

That’s it for now. I need to sleep.