so – what’s been happening?

so – what’s been happening?

I wanted to take a moment and let you all know that things are doing just
fine here. Heres a short selection, I am way to tired to link it all.

  • I almost went to the Britney concert at the local arena, but at the last
    minute reason prevailed
  • I saw "The One" with Jet Li. An entertaining movie if you like action
  • I have spent a lot of time learning about the 3D rendering world, the
    software, the techniques and the issues involved. Look for some major changes
    around here as a result.
  • We solidified much of the directional changes dotPublishing is taking… I
    will be putting up here some of those decisions for your comments.
  • I got Tatsumi a birthday present.
  • I played some of "Return to Castle Wolfenstien" -a  way, way cool
  • Upgraded Tatsumi’s computer to Windows XP Professional.
  • Taught at the Dojo.
  • Speaking of the Dojo, my right shoulder got torn a little last night
    there… I am not sure how bad it is yet. Probably not nearly as bad as the
    left one.
  • I get to pick up two checks today.
  • I fleshed out the beginnings of a re-design for this site and for

Ok.. night for now. My spirits are high!