porn, science and business…

Another update so soon? Why yes!

Life events…

My friend

Flagg found himself a place, that is a good thing and a bad thing. Good

for him, good for

Tatsumi because they both want to live on their own bad bad for me. Well,

obviously not bad in any strong sense; I just like having people

around. Personally, I think I would be happiest in a hive.


We had a  call with ClientX today. They are still having problems

paying us for the work we did and frankly it is getting a little tired. There

were some attempts to blame the problems on us and to hold us over a barrel

for payment; but it simply isn’t going to happen. I think it is safe to say we

have about had it.


  • "Hacking

    your Wetware" is a fantastic introduction to the topic of

    Lucid Dreaming. This is way, way cool stuff.

  • A cute page with a

    simple introduction to reading Japanese, including cute chicks! Soem

    other good resources in the

    discussion of the link.

  • Thumbnails of copyrighted images are

    considered fair use according to a recent 9th circuit

    decision. There is a lot of

    discussion of course.

  • Teleportation? Well, no, but some

    great science discussion of cool new stuff that might lead the way.

  • One of my

    recent posts on Slashdot has actually been moderated up, this is a sign

    of hell freezing over as the post was pretty much anti open source and this

    is Slashdot after all.

  • A long and interesting

    discussion of various aspects of Libertarianism. it starts with an essay

    purporting to show the "Flaws" in Libertarianism but the replies have a lot

    of good debate.

  • Speaking of Kuro5hin, they have an interesting

    commentary on the recent flap about .NET in the Linux world.

  • More

    fear and panic about .NET. Funny, the guy who runs the company that


    Java doesn’t

    like it.

  • "Cam

    Whores", what can I say? There are some really cute chicks out there

    with webcams. See some of them without paying a dime. Just for fun,

    email me with who you think my top 3 picks would be.

  • While we are on adult stuff,

    this girl’s eyes are killing me. How cute is that? (adult, sex)

  • More adult stuff.

    Gauge [1][2]

    is 4’11" tall and 102 lbs…. she is an

    amazingly cute girl who is absolutely nasty on film. Could this be one

    definition of perfect? 4’11"… she would fit under your desk all the

    time. There is some hardcore of her on the web


OK… time for sleep! See you later 🙂