tin foil hats and funny elves…

Hey all!

I’ve been pretty busy the last few days but as I have been surfing around I

have left 25 browsers open so that I can mention some of the links to you. So

here you go!

B-Notes is a good site for funny reviews of some pretty bad movies. Here is


of the Slithis"

Cassandra Claire is the name of an interesting character (and that might be

literal…) who has done some very anusing entries in a "diary" involving some

of the

Lord of the Rings characters. An excert from her weblog is here, and you can

get much more of this stuff at

The Secret Diaries of Cassandra Claire.

"The Very Secret Diary of Arwen Undomiel

Day One

Broke up with Aragorn today. He would insist on giving me a clay pipe and a

pair of breeches for Valentine’s Day when I specifically requested a nightie.

Have sent him away from Rivendell.

Day Two

Bored and lonely. Regret having sent Aragorn away. So what if he wanted me to

dress up in a curly wig and hop around on my knees during intimate moments? Am

sure other humans have equally odd hangups. Wish I could be interested in Elf

men, but ever since debacle with Glorfindel back in Second Age when he accused

me of copying his hairstyle, have given up on my own kind." –

full text

From the funny to the funny and sad. You note how Bush (the president)

visited Korea and looked out across the

DMZ, well in the past Clinton did the same thing. Only it looks like Clinton

was looking through binoculars with the lens caps on. Maybe. I don’t know if it

is true or not but it is so typical it wouldn’t surprise me. Anyway, there is an

item here, and

discussion on Metafilter about it and an old

Usenet post detailing the first reference by

Rush about it all in 1993. By the way, I think it’s cool that he’s

hearing again.

The XXX Church is a site run by two cool Catholic priests who want to keep

kids away from porn. So far it sounds boring but these guys have a great design

and they are hooking up with folks inside the porn industry to help them out.

Not your normal brimstone types.

"waferbaby" has a page that generates a

random "teen angst" weblog entry every time you hit it.

Here is a nice

Metafilter thread on sideshow freaks.

While doing some "research" on the web I came across this fairly large

site about the Story of O. Anyway, they led me to a pretty cool page of a

guy who makes

some interesting whips.

If your feeling particularly

paranoid, you can look at some of the

Linux distributions for the unbalanced. This is not a shock. Take a look at

the aptly named "Tinfoil

Hat Linux". Why a

tinfoil hat you might ask? Let me

tell you a story…

Some pretty

cool science images of tiny stuff.


define yourself… definitively.
