cute chicks and stone cold panic…

So what’s been happening with me you ask?


As I type this I am watching MTV and I came across a video that I have really enjoyed for weeks now. The girls name is Vanessa Carlton and she does a tune that is pretty popular now called “A Thousand Miles”. Simply outstanding stuff; the piano work is especially haunting. She is cute and that helps but she is also a very talented young lady and that never seems to go out of style. Go ahead and watch/listen to her live TRL performance if you want to know what I am talking about.

While we are talking about music I’ll point out some of the other sounds I have a real fondness for. Obviously I love the big pop stars but there is a soft spot in my heart as well for the more … folk? acoustic? side of music as well. These are the girls who are not primarily success oriented… they tend to play their own instruments and write all their own lyrics. It’s all much more intimate in some ways than the power acts. Fortunately I don’t have to chose.

Anyway go take a look at Michelle Branch, another dynamite looking girl with amazing talent. You can watch a video of her on TRL as well  is you want and then go see what she looks like. When you’re done, go check out M2M, a pair of pretty cool girls from Norway that have proven to be a little more than a novelty. Great writing, great voices and like – two chicks 🙂 Catch the videos at their site or at their MTV page.



We had a meeting with Client Y last Wed (03.13.2002) and managed to resolve a lot of questions about schedule and budget. We will be dropping a bunch of the complexity from the project in progress because they have some budgetary issues and a hard deadline at 09.01.2002. This deadline would have been impossible with all the ‘bells and whistles’ that had been part of the feature creep. Fortunately we have it all straightened out now so that is a good thing.

We have a lot of other things happening and not much time to work on them. By the end of the project for Client Y we have a goal of being self supporting… it is becoming more and more difficult to rely on clients to make it all work and we are once again behind the ball on getting our own projects happening. So you will see…

  • A total re-vamp of girl2 to better reflect the girls current life style and individual styles as well as hopefully turn a profit
  • The long delayed re-design of the corporate site. The one that is there now needs a lot of help.
  • The launch of an entirely new site dedicated to our virtual models and the possibilities inherent in them.
  • We are launching some small Poser products of our own. It will be interesting to see how that goes.


OK… so this is mostly work too. I had a chance to work with our virtual characters again because of the work focus. Anyway, you might like the image I put together.

Sleep! Night!