Blogs and courts and bad ‘old school’ web design…

A few fast thoughts before I go to the Dojo…

A BDSM event called "3D Days" has put up it’s

informational site. The event itself is certainly looking like it might be

worthwhile if you’re planning to be in Nashville. The real reason I bring it up

is this… the site si a perfect example of a second generation website. It is

not my intention to put down the authors, obviously they have got a lot fo work

on their hands and I am sure someone put a lot of time into it… but this site

has it all:

  • Graphic horizontal separators (chains, no less)
  • A large, photographic background image that tiles (with seams)
  •  Animated ‘3D’ GIF files to denote special features. Mercifully the

    contact link is not an animated image of an envelope or anything.

  • The main logo has no tie-in with the rest of the page.
  • The links do something odd when you roll over them, I am not sure what

    that’s all about.

I hope the event goes well for them… but I had to point it out as a perfect

example of almost everything I don’t miss about old style web

design 🙂

Today the Supreme Court

upheld portions of the COPA (child online protection act) by ruling that the

test of "local communities standards" when applied to websites is not

overly broad and therefore unconstitutional. While the law is in jeopardy for

other flaws this is a real blow to what I consider rational free speech.

Remember that this means that any image on your site that may be viewed by a

minor (warning pages are not a valid defense) that could be construed as against

local standards anywhere in the country may wind you up in jail. That

includes a bikini image if you get the wrong trailer park town.

This does not bode well I think for our friend


legal battle, a lawsuit that was aimed squarely at this portion of the

current legal climate.

On the business front, you may take some heart for us by reading

this article on a new game company. We are sending bits of our DNA attached

to carrier pigeons to these guys – hopefully they will hear our impassioned


And yes I will be fixing the blog over at Flaggs’

website tonight 🙂

That’s all for now… bye!