Thoughs and empires…

A fast update on life…

Well, disaster has been narrowly averted. In a miracle of 42nd street

proportions an previous investor in dotPublishing has graciously lend us some

enough money to keep the doors open for a while. This has significantly

increased our chance for survival. The "Tiem to Live" clock has been reset at

40-45 days… we had hoped to shoot for 60+ but the bills thatn need to be paid

that haven’t int he last too months are a little to insistent for that after we

really worked it all out.

We are working with an investment professional now, and will be expanding

that outreach this coming eek to prepare the way for the additional funding we

need – as well as expanding the circle of people we are in discussions with.

I’ll post more about how we are handling this as we go on.

Some other things…

* Go check out the

review and discussion over at about a book called "Not Harmful

to Minors". I won’t repeat the information here in the interests of space and

time. It’s worth checking out, and worth thinking about this all before the

witch hunts get any more bizarre.

* Take a minute and read this article on

why the Empire just isn’t such a bad thing in the


Wars universe.

"What’s more, it’s not clear that they should be "protecting" anyone.

The Jedi are Lucas’s great heroes, full of Zen wisdom and righteous power.

They encourage people to "use the Force"–the mystical energy which is the

source of their power–but the truth, revealed in "The Phantom Menace," is

that the Force isn’t available to the rabble. The Force comes from midi-chlorians,

tiny symbiotic organisms in people’s blood, like mitochondria. The Force, it

turns out, is an inherited, genetic trait. If you don’t have the blood, you

don’t get the Force. Which makes the Jedi not a democratic militia, but a

royalist Swiss guard." –

full article

More later!