General angst… private horror!

Hey all!

Some folks have been asking how it’s going – and it is stressful but so far

no major nightmares. We currently have approximately 4 weeks of money available

to us, and we have two projects we are seeking funding for.

  • The first is a gothic horror/mystery exploration game, as only our very

    own Flagg could bring it to us. Think interactive fiction but on a massive

    scale. Other players in the game provide crucial information and plot elements

    but you don’t have to shoot each other. There are some really, really cool

    twists in this system. If my numbers are right we might be able too hook up

    about 5,000 users to maybe as many as 15,000. This would give us a gross

    monthly income of $150,000.  We would be easily able to repay

    the investment if that was the exit strategy desired.


  • Second up, the project I have been itching to do for most of my life. A

    massively multiplayer online role-play game with significantly deep plot and

    fictional elements. This system has all the elements lacking from the "big

    guys" online systems… and everything they do have. We can license the 3D

    technology we need – but it is expensive. The total price tag for building

    this beast is more than $800,000 dollars. The returns are huge – with

    potentially 100,000 players enrolled in the system. That’s just under

    $2million in monthly gross revenue.

Ah well. Someday.

In other news, worked out hard the last two days and I am really sore. So I

am going to sleep.
