Good day… cool stuff…

So, where to start and what to say… oh who am I kidding. It will be a terse


We moved

Flagg back into the house that the company is using for an office, he will

be sharing space with

Tatsumi. While I am sure both of them would rather have a place all their

own they are dealing with it like troopers. We rented a

14′ truck from

u-haul and piled all his stuff in with some help (thanks to you know who!).

It took one trip to the house and we unloaded it all. It bit.

Today ( 06/01 ) is the anniversary Tatsumi and I recognize for "us". We don’t

have the ability to really buy anything this year but she went and got me a

printed copy of an image from our recent photo shoot together. That was cool –

but the card was cooler… and no, I am not going to tell you what it said 🙂

Anyway – not everything in life is good… but this is certainly one of the

things that is!

Anyway, it’s been four years for a relationship I was repeatedly told wasn’t

going to ever happen at all. Often, in fact, by Tatsumi herself. I would be

lying if I said I had known all along we would be together. But I have

always known we should.

Oh, before I forget… we may have found an investor who is

interested. More details another time!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Current email viruses have been forging

the "return" address, you really needed to be running a good anti-virus checker.

I use Norton System Works.
