More bullets…

:: waves ::

So life is doing well, we have some plans in place and it looks like we are

making some of the right moves. I am gonna just splat this stuff into a bullet

list, so enjoy it 🙂

  • The

    new figure from Daz is just awesome! I am working her into some of the

    concept art we are putting up in our gallery – and I am really excited about

    that. You never know, she could be the thing that puts us over the top 🙂

  • We are a few days away from launching our newest website – you’ll like it.

    Take my word for it and put about $15 aside now so you are ready 🙂

  • I have gotten in more gym time, feeling pretty good although my knee is

    really messed up. Not cool.

  • I’ll have the archives of my old posts up this week – so you will be able

    to get all my former wisdom. I know you just can’t wait!

  • Flagg seems to be settling into the house well enough, though there is cat

    stress 🙂

  • Got a visit from a good friend of mine today – he is doing really well and

    looks so cool on his rice burner I don’t know how I can contain myself. I want

    a bike so badly. The thing does 180+ and is just so pretty. More

    than that though, it was good to see him. No matter how much time passes

    between visits it always seems both too long and like no time at all.

Ok.. that covers it for now… thanks to Tatsumi and Kimiko for all the help

this weekend!