Work in progress…

Work in progress 🙂

OK… I have to head off to my Dojo, but I wanted to take a moment and let

you see a touch of what I have been working on here. So go take a look at this image

and let me know what you think.

That’s the

Aiko character, using some 3D laser blasts I did a while back. I will be

updating the scale and all, that was just a test. In any case, I love the

character… but I think I may want to update her texture a bit. I was looking


this one and I think that’s the one I am going to try and put her in.

With that jumpsuit of Aiko’s and the

Asian look of the Haruka texture I think she will rock for an anime/Asian

look. I may try and re-shape her body a little bit – I really like the

proportions of the

Ki character. Since it will be a while before I am in a position to grab Ki

(especially since I have to get Haruka first!) I am going to try my hand at

re-shaping the body manually.

We are trying to build up some images for our potential investor to take into

HIS investment meeting. So something with an anime flavor will work out really

well for us.

So drop me an

email and tell me what you think, how would you mix them if you were me?