Take my thyroid… please!

Ok, time for sleep. I have been working on some stuff tonight… finally got

a chance to do some modeling and rendering.

Tomorrow (today) at a glance:

PC goes to the vet at 14:30. With any luck at all this may just be a thyroid

problem. I got some email to that effect and the vet who goes to my dojo

mentioned it. If so then he is treatable with some medication and it should all

work out just fine. if it is a tumor I will probably wind up putting him to

sleep. Let’s hope its the thyroid.

I have to be at the Dojo to teach tonight at 17:00 till about 20:00. That

will make for a fairly long, fairly stressful day. Hey, it has to happen sooner

or later!

Oh, and on the lsit of things I covet, you can add this

amazingly cool book!
