Reprieve? And funny stories…

Short update:

  • I would say it is a 85% certainty that PC (my cat) has a fairly advanced

    cancer. We will know more Tuesday or Wednesday next week. I hope for the best

    but it is starting to look like we will have to put him to sleep.

  • Our landlord seems to have generously granted us two weeks leeway to make

    the rent payment. So $1,650 in two weeks is the main goal right now.

  • It looks like the investment deal we have been working on for a month or

    two fell through. You know how it goes. Annoying but at this point we really

    didn’t have much confidence that it would happen.

  • Other investment deals int he works, I’ll fill you in asap.

That’s it… I said fast! I am going to eat some toast and go to sleep.

Oh yeah, go read this weblog! She is a funny, articulate writer

and it is just damn funny.

We all abuse the hand sanitizer…
