Two in a row…

A few thoughts at the moment…

because I am awake. I know I blogged like 3 hours ago… but here I am


The crucial thought of the night…

 What would




If anyone has any idea why I compulsively reveal my thoughts here

on this weblog, let me know 🙂 Because it would seem to me that I tend to do

it more when I have issues to work out.. but often I think those issues

might be best to stay in my head.

I’m feeling pretty good at the moment, in fact…


P.S. Speaking of Tyr, from

an interview with his actor we get this gem of a quote (below)…

it just seemed to help me. I know some people like this… and it’s not bad.

"…He called to say that he’d seen these ads [in the trade

magazines, touting Andromeda’s runaway ratings success] and read them to


My response was, "That’s all well and good but let’s see if we can

maintain it." And, he said, "Damn you, can’t you just be happy?"

This has been an ongoing theme. People don’t understand that my

melancholia, for lack of a better word, is not sadness, it’s not being

unhappy. This is a strange and unfriendly business. I got into it because

I have never been happy not acting. I want to do that. I don’t want all

the other stuff. I don’t want the ratings, I don’t want to be judged for

my ability to sell soap. I don’t want to smile in meetings where I don’t

feel like smiling, and say nice things where I don’t particularity feel

like the person deserves to have nice things said to them.

So I won’t pretend to embrace it and say "great." I won’t pretend to

say, "I love it all." I don’t. The only thing I love is being able to act.

I said to him, "When we’ve done this for three years and we’re still

number one and I have other projects that I can do because of it, you will

see a different demeanor."…

full text


And ride in triumph through Persepolis!–

Is it not brave to be a king, Techelles?–

Usumcasane and Theridamas,

Is it not passing brave to be a king,

And ride in triumph through Persepolis?


O, my lord, it is sweet and full of pomp!


To be a king is half to be a god.


A god is not so glorious as a king:

I think the pleasure they enjoy in heaven,

Cannot compare with kingly joys in earth;–

To wear a crown enchas’d with pearl and gold,

Whose virtues carry with it life and death;

To ask and have, command and be obey’d;

When looks breed love, with looks to gain the prize,–

Such power attractive shines in princes’ eyes.

the full text