To all the ships at sea…

Hello there, another day dawns and it all seems to be going OK in it’s own


Tatsumi is at her folks now, and will be there for a while – hopefully a

little while but that sort of seems to depend on how things go with several

elements of (my) Plan. You heard that right, >I< have a plan… and I’m not

tellin’ nobody what it is.

::cough:: world domination ::cough::

Seriously, it is an interesting time for me… fraught with dangers and

disappointments but also amazingly alive with possibilities and the opportunity

to break cycles that needed breaking and move forward out of stagnation. I

suppose I should be completely happy with it for all that, but I can’t ignore

the fact that I am a big smoosh on the inside. I am happier when she is with me


Ah well, I am reminded of something that should have been on a hallmark card:

If you love something, set it free;

if it comes back to you, it’s yours…

If it doesn’t;

At least you can always watch it through a telescope.

Off to the dojo.. so to my girl who is away from home for a while… enjoy yourself, and

relax… it’s gonna be OK 🙂