Little sculpture, big injustice and old radios…

Some basic link cleaning:

Microsoft Antitrust FAQ – The Center for the Advancement of Capitalism

– An interesting pro-business discussion of the topic, some pretty intelligent

stuff here. Leave your bleeding heart at home 🙂

"In sum, Judge Jackson’s condemnation of Microsoft is not based on the facts

of the case. Instead, they are based on his hostility toward self-interest and

toward business success. This is just another reminder that the ultimate issues

in this case are not factual, but moral." –

full text

Altruism in Action An Analysis of Judge Jackson’s Finding of Fact and the

Antitrust Assault on Microsoft – The Center for the Advancement of Capitalism

– another discussion of the case, this time focusing on bias on the part of the


"Even worse than his slanted terminology are his substantive arguments, in

which he sets up impossible standards according to which no successful

business could escape prosecution. For example, Judge Jackson writes early in

his ruling that:" –

full text

A Bulletproof Mind – A really interesting article discussing the balance the

military needs to find behind setting up a kill reflex in it’s soldiers and

leaving them discretion.

"For the first time in his life, Miller

would be engaging in C.Q.B. — a military abbreviation for ”close-quarters

battle.” After years of training, he would finally become, as he told me

recently, a ”manager of violence.” An eight-year veteran of the Special

Forces, he had never killed before, had never given an order to kill, had not

even seen a dead soldier. All that would change at dawn, because men would

surely die in an attack he would initiate with a one-word command: execute. "

full text

The Golden Age

1981-1985 – a "boombox" history, with pictures!


Advocate – Pencil sharpener Sculptor gets the lead out with miniature carvings

– totally bizarre – this guy carves the lead inside a pencil. Very

cool, very small.

"Ghetti has completed and meticulously framed six pencils — a church, a

chess set bishop, a bust of Elvis Presley, two interlinked hearts, a boot, and,

most spectacularly, a pencil linked by a chain made from the lead in the pencil

center." –

full text