God and me, two peas in (his) pod…

Hey all… here’s a (very) quick catch up!

The big news is that now I can marry you – literally. I am a fully

ordained minister in the

Universal Life Church, and even though it seems like a scam I can now

legally perform marriages. I even have a certificate…. heck, if you ask nice I

can ordain you. Sure, you could do it directly but why not let me

do it?

I am Reverend Soulhuntre.

In other news, I have been working with the

Xbox Live system

and it is AWESOME. I will need to get some games that actually

support it though. I had hoped to get Mechassault by a fairly obscure method but

it didn’t pan out so I am not yet able to hang with the big boys. Someday soon I

am sure, I added it to my

wish list and you KNOW I get everything on my wish list; except the stuff

that’s been on there for years… :: pout ::  (hint, some of the stuff

is really cheap too!)

If you’re on Live my gamertag is "Soulhuntre" and you can see some cool but

sketchy info



P.S. You all know I am kidding with the blatant wish list plug… but I

really am a man of "da cloth" now 🙂