Singin ‘da blues

Note: if you don’t like angst or horror. If you don’t want to hear me

freak out… then don’t read this one. Come back in a day or two and it should

be back to humor and satire… or you’ll get a server not found error. Either

way, this isn’t pretty.

A wise man once said… and I’ll quote so you don’t lose the nuances…


that does suck"

I am gonna lay it out for you because I need to vent and this is the right

place for it because dammit it’s my site and my diary. For as long as this

server stays up and running, until the current situation(s) get resolved I will

be keeping track of a lot of what’s happening here – much more than I usually

do. I will be detailing the thorns currently in my side so that in the future I

can look back on this and laugh from whatever public access library they let the

homeless use to read the ‘net.

Part 1: – Servers

The part of this that is relevant to you is that I think the server (this

server) might well be going down in the next week. dotPublishing simply doesn’t

currently have the resources to pay the bill and we are seen going to be three

months behind. In case anyone wonders what a dedicated system running a modern

OS and with good connectivity at a location with good support costs, it’s about

$500 a month. When we get to be three months behind our hosting company (who has

been fantastically patient with us) may well decide to cut off our service.

The other problem here is that the servers are acting up. There

is some hardware or software problem that needs to be dealt with. I am working

as hard as I can on it and will be keeping you informed. For now it means that

the server dies about once a day. This is very bad and I promise it has my

maximum attention.

Ok… I have to run now, expect the other parts (Rent and Business) later on

tonight or tomorrow. Enjoy!