First things first: Shout out to Tatsumi! She has a birthday tomorrow and I just want everyone to know that her Daddy is really proud of how well she has been doing at school! 🙂 Did you ever have the feeling you might be in the wrong business? Sometimes I do. While I sure do enjoy putting my massive technical skills to use, I am not at all sure why I do it making sure lawyers can download their legal documents when I should be making sure hot chicks can satisfy their fans. It’s a horrible tragidy. Now, don’t get me wrong… I do manage more of the hot chick time (thanks to Girl2 and my very significant others) than most geeks with anything like my skillz. It just seams like I should be doing it full on, full time. Personally, I think I have what it takes to run a modeling agency/portfolio site.
Both Reanna and Sarah are basically creations of their own ambition. The ‘net is allowing a number of really amazing girls who have the talent, beauty and drive to make their own way in life by showing off what they can dio directly to the market. They are making some good money (I hope) and gaining amazing amounts of (and just plain amazing) exposure.
Seriously, I think I need to try and get rid of some of the “keeping myself afloat” bullshit in my life and get down to the stuff I am looking forward to. This will happen soon. There are a number of things on the list:
</rant> Links of note: