We hatesssssss them…

Today is Kimiko’s birthday (Thursday), and among other happy events we went
to eat Wed and off to a movie. We wound up seeing
The Two Towers
because we’re just geeky like that. Sadly
Tatsumi didn’t attend so she could
schmooze her parents during a TT trip of their own but it didn’t pan out.

Damn, I’ll have to go again. But I am not going to

spend days online

Now, I loved the movie, just like I loved the first one. So I
understand the joy that could lead you to obsess on it. Maybe even you might
fancy yourself as an elf, or a Hobbit. You might even decide to wear your
costume to the movie, so you and your ren-fest friends can be the full on "Tolkein"
weirdoes in the crowd. That’s all good.

I have only this advice… SHUT THE HELL UP DURING THE MOVIE!

It would be horrible if I had to go all Nazgul on your pathetic ass. I mean,
I am a programmer weenie with an
Xbox obsession. I think
XML is cool
and I have an actual opinion about the politics surrounding the
N(1) task
scheduling scheduling patch
set in the Linux 2.x kernels.

I am a geek… and you people manage to embarrass me.

Oh, and for gods sake, if you think you want to attract that much attention
by wearing your rubber Hobbit feet in public, you might want to
lay off the mead and do a sit up or two. Just a thought.

As always the Japanese are way ahead of us, they have had the concept of "Cosplay"
(costume play) for years now. That’s where people dress up like fictional characters. Its a quasi hush
hush habit and no doubt a serious sexual fetish and excuse to bang the wig off
some chick who looks a little like your favorite
DOA3 chick if you hit your
inhaler a little heavier than you should… but they have two advantages:

  • They are dressing up like characters who are hot to start with. Your
    dressing like a Hobbit.
  • Being that they are Asian they are usually cute (to me) and they know
    enough to leave the spandex at home if they aren’t. You have none of this
    going for you.

In the end, I dealt with it. I dealt with the giggling schoolgirl laughter
whenever a virile He Man(tm) came on the screen and I tolerated the fat guy from
the comic store who no doubt drove them to the theatre who thought doing his
best Gollum impression was gonna get him a piece.

But oh my droogies, what could have been.

Surrounded by people all to successfully looking like Hobbits and

not one Arwen
among them, I mean, I am not expecting

the real thing
– but surely there must be one among ye? C’mon people,
stop hoarding your "Limited Wishes" and get on with it.

That is all.

p.s. Kimiko just informed me that when the only hot chick in the building
(beside Kimiko) wandered into the theatre we were in the Hobbits had a
collective cow. Apparently they were upset that our hot chock was dressed
… hey, I like black PVC on the right person 🙂

works for me
I like this…
even this…

yet I get this…