Broken boxen, easy women and cool images…

future dreams

Long day.

Kimiko had machine problems… the first we have ever had with the

eMachines [[boxen]] we own. Nothing huge, a power supply bit it and we wound

up replacing the whole case from a local shop. The new case is pretty nice and

gave me room to put our primary [[mp3]] storage drive into her machine as well.

Of course that happened in the middle of some serious weirdness with a

project for client S, so obviously I didn’t have a whole lot of free time to try

and get it happening – all very annoying.

Other news? Tatsumi started taking some night courses at a [[community

college]]. Well, you know how those girls at the local colleges can be – I might

actually get my chance to make it with a [[schoolgirl]]! Seriously, she seems

like she is really looking forward to it and I hope it is all as cool as she

wants it to be.

Lastly, it looks like I’ll be getting a chance to expand my photography a

bit. We are going to move more into the high end with Girl2 so we will be

taking our inspiration from a lot of Japanese ‘Idol’ photography. Images like

the one attached to this post are typical… but obviously it will be a long

time till we shoot like that.

It will be fun trying thought!


Ed. Note: the black line in that image is where the spine of the book it

was scanned from was.