Underwater jets, terrorists, fast food and more…

Let’s see if we can catch up on the things in my browser:

The terrorists

have already won "ANY BREAKFAST BAGEL SANDWICH" at McDonald’s! – you simply

MUST go take a look at this.

OneShare.com: Microsoft – a pretty cool idea… these guys will handle

brokering one share of stock for popular companies and framing it

for you. Much easier than getting a broker for a single share, but not the thing

for investing. I want a share of Microsoft

just to get the annual reports 🙂

ONELIGHT.COM – someone save me from

[[e2|whackos]] with a [[e2|hollow earth]] conspiracy theory going on. While

you’re ate it, go take a look at the mighty power of the

VRIL generator. You don’t

know what one is?

"The VRIL Generator, is a product of ‘the high astral

technology of Agartha’. It is a synchronizer of the high frequency of

energy-light, once activated in the inner space of self-originated

consciousness, this energy is revealed through the act of

practice, connecting simultaneously with the inner door, opening one’s own

inner and multidimensional reality to the external dimensional doors, which

opens the space-temporal gates between the real world and the virtual one.

Connecting One to the VRIL power, the hidden energy and awareness of

Immortality." – full text


Scientist: A steam fired underwater jet engine – this basically

rocks, just go look it it, I promise it’s cool.

Model Rocket

Video Camera Australia – this is some cool stuff… someone manages to get a

video camera on a mid size [[e2|model rocket]] using  consumer parts. Sure,

it’s been done before but this guy has some really good video clips.


Aerial – this is a design used to extend the range of the common video

receivers that are out there, like the ones we use on Girl2 for some of our

remote cameras. This design doesn’t look to complex and promises much better

reception – I might try one sometime soon. They used this to make sure the

rocket discussed above kept a clear signal.


Japanese Smileys(Emoticons) – Some pretty cool stuff in here, well worth

taking the time to read if only for fun. (^_^)


Johanssons C#-sajt Diverse program – this wont matter much to 99.999% of

you, but for the rest of us this is really cool. Among other things this page

has a C# <->

VB.NET conversion program. This is really

useful, many people seem to only supply sample code as VB.NET – obviously

anything you can do in one .NET language you can do in all of them, it’s just a

matter of syntax.