My heart aflame with … poetry?

Since he was talking about love I decided to follow the example of a web page I came across and write some poetry for Flagg. Ok… I had the random poetry generator do it, but I really thought good things when I hit the “generate” button.

Olive clouds swirled above Flagg like a flame
A fleshy man murmured at the sight of Jan Valdez.
He beat down upon the grizzly frog;it looked like a smashed toilet.
Winky, the precise little student smiled with a cherib grin
The lousy bard sings a ballad, sing the song of The Booted One.. . In it make him die
Waves roll past the grave of the unknown doorknob, the body kicks
Flagg trembled, his Caesar shook,
With doubtful shattered fibulas and dainty resolution I can
O melancholy world, you have disemboweled me again.

He knows how I feel.

E.d. Note – I’ll make this simple and quick.

. I feel unclean.